Drumming/Singing at 5:00 pm on Sunday at the P.I.B youth center with the KwuSukna?quinx canoe family! Everyone is welcome to join us! Hope to see you there!
We are a group of self motivated, self disciplined, indigenous youth from the Okanagan territory. We are praised for our musical talents, willpower and admirable spirits. We celebrate being Syilx peoples by pulling together on the Kwu Sukwna?qinx canoe, which directs our path to reconnecting with cultural traditions and protocols given to us by our elders. By following these traditions we are able to find and create a healthy balance within ourselves on an individual level and within our canoe family. Our aim is to show the world and most importantly other indigenous youth that “impossible is nothing,” through the positive connections we create within our families, community and Nation. We hope that other youth will be inspired by our actions and find the strength to pull together on a healthy journey of their own.